18:22 Minute Length
TED-X Talk.Published on Oct 16, 2013
An internationally acclaimed scientist who is a researcher, experimental psychologist and courtroom expert shares how memory is very different than a "video recorder". Dr. Loftus reveals how leading questions are all that are needed to generate altered memories of events. Replications of her research are cited. This is a wide ranging talk on how false information leads to false memories and family tragedies. She addresses how false memories of sexual abuse were revealed by her studies to be often the result of suggestive psychotherapy. In addition she points to controlled studies of soldiers who during traumatic and emotional moments also show significant failures to recall accurately perpetrators and the details of events during these moments. She discusses how she has had to endure personal harassment, legal attacks and professional disparagement in order to pursue truth in research but after 30 years of struggle she has emerged as a leader of integrity and amazing insight.
State collected data, insurance studies, lawsuit payouts and asset seizures have largely ended the use of "regression therapies" by insured therapists and established institutions since the 1990's. Courtrooms now require scientific validation and have ceased allowing the false information generated by "recovered memory therapies." "Do It Yourself Therapy" books and well meaning friends are the usual perpetrators of "recovered memory" techniques.
Those untrained in the psychological sciences often misunderstand or are misinformed about what is now common knowledge among professionals that practice ethical competent counseling.
Needlessly fractured families along with innocent people who are defamed and even imprisoned only add to the evidence of how destructive this therapy is.