Monday, June 8, 2015

Personal Experience: Sister Remembers

      I remember this one time, when you were just a kid, and you really, really wanted us to play scrabble.  Mom made special plans for us, making sure her 2 busy teenager daughters were free so that we could play scrabble after our big Saturday night meal, and I agreed to it, thinking you might forget by the end of the week.  I was teenager, and thought I was too cool for scrabble.  But, of course, you didn't forget.  You were so excited at the idea of your teenage sisters “hanging out with you”.  You talked about it all week, non-stop. As the night approached, I began to dread it more and more.   But Mom was firm.   It was an absolute “must”.  Funny thing is, that night was AWESOME!  That night, as Mom, Jenny, you, and I began to play,  I began to have fun!  We laughed and talked.   We made silly words.   I think I remember that you may have even won!  I love remembering our childhood, when we had fun and found much of it remains vivid in my memory.  I remember dancing with you,  Jenny and Luke to oldies and Christian rock in the kitchen as we cleared the table after dinner.   I remember you eating sand as a baby at the beach,  and your cute shocked face and puffy ponytail.  I remember playing 'house' outside, building cakes and a house out of mud and sticks with you, Jenny, and Luke.  I remember camping at Styks River with you.  You used to love that!  I remember our family's long, beautiful canoe trips (that canoe was best investment Dad ever made!)  I remember feeling like you always seemed to know when I was painting my nails, or writing in my journal.  I remember building dams with Luke for the 'rivers' that flooded downtown after a hard rain.  I remember the beautiful time we spent at Franciscan together, going to Mass, confession, and praise and worship 'parties.  I can't drink a cup of coffee without thinking of the many nights we stayed up drinking coffee and talking.

     I love you and I miss you so much is makes my heart hurt.  We want you and your girls to be safe from all harm, and happy. It feels like you are being lost in a prison someone is slowly building around you, or your mind. But please, please, know this: you and your girls can always be safe.  Your family is waiting with open arms.  We will always stand ready.  Because we love you.  We will always, always, want your happiness, health, and peace. We will never give up.

I love you, dear sister. Beth

ALL Pictures are of life before false memories were recovered.

 If you are seeking help for personal struggles and a therapist, counselor or friend says that "recovering childhood memories can help you get better" then IMMEDIATELY get up from your chair (or off the couch), run to the door, open it and flee. Hundreds of thousands have lost families, years of productive living and squandered immense wealth with tragedy inducing therapy that produces horrid false memories, splinters families, isolates the client and is documented to cause decline in mental health.

Grace and I while visiting family in New England

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