Sunday, September 15, 2019


Explaining Repressed Memories 

now called Pseudomemories
     The American Psychological Association has stated, after extensive review and study, that "Repressed Memories" are controversial & extremely rare IF they do occur. "Seek a licensed and insured therapist" for assistance in helping determine if the "memories" might be true or not. Explanations for false memories and true stories below:

 Malleable Memory [3 min]
       Didactic presentation on how memory is malleable over time.
The Power of Suggestion [4 min]
       Suggestion creates memories in 56% of subjects.
The Fiction of Memory [17 min]
       Researcher reviews how trauma alters the accuracy of memory.
How Memory Plays Us [18 min]
       Brilliant researcher summarizes 40 years of memory research.
Sybil Exposed [55 min]
       An investigative journalist lectures on her research that exposes the story as a fraud, corroborates the assertion with evidence and finds a personal letter admitting the fraud. The huge impact of "Sybil" on the culture is addressed.
The Neuroscience of Memory [67 min]
       Electrical activity in the brain is in precisely the precise same location as where imagined events are visualized and other physiological and electrical findings about brain processing.
Memory Matters [71 min]
       The "repressed memories" myth has contributed to great injustice.  "Just because memory is expressed with confidence, detail,  and emotion, doesn't mean that it's true."
The Memory Factory [67 min]
       Numerous methods to generate false memories reviewed "Liberty like Memory is a fragile thing".
       Brilliant memory researcher shares life journey and 40 years of research.  Finds giving comfort to elderly couple who suffer through false accusations of abuse to give her consolation. 

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