Sunday, February 2, 2020

Our Story, Suffering and Hope

     Our adult child was in postpartum depression and in need of help while living 2000 miles away in Walla Walla, Washington in June of 2015.    A long discredited therapy now rejected by expert therapists and known to create horrid false memories was used to “help”.  "Pseudo memories" nurtured by a therapist, life coach and/or friend(s) armed with a "Do it Yourself Therapy Book" harmed her and her family permanently.  While in depression and medicated she endured suggestive questioning, imaging techniques, trances and blackouts.  Our understanding of this event is based on eyewitness written accounts (two people) in Walla Walla who were alarmed and maintained contact with us.  In addition screenshots of our daughter's online public posts, private messages and emails at the time that were saved.
       Our daughter and her then common law husband Kevin both had been married previously but told us they wanted to have a wedding in the church and invited us to come. We traveled 2,463 miles by car towing a trailer to be there in time for the wedding and stay in a nearby campground.  The brief visit involved emotive displays of horrid behavior and accusations we had never dreamed of, heard about or witnessed before that trip.  Our daughter repeatedly referred to “repressed memories” and described horrid events that never happened.  A "friend" called “Juanita” was present and encouraged animated false “recollections” by our daughter.   "Juanita Aunsbach was someone we had never met before, had no personal knowledge of anyone in our family and no one in our nuclear family had ever heard or talked to her prior.  We were shocked.
       When another daughter began to show similar signs of mental illness (psychosis and delusions) we arranged for blood analysis.  It was revealed that five of seven in our nuclear family have a metabolism known to have pathways leading to episodes of "psychosis".  This pathway to psychosis can be caused by the medications posted online publicly by our daughter 2015. We are now convinced that poor and outdated talk therapy called "recovered memory therapy" combined with metabolic issues (relating to her pregnancy) and a reaction to medication underlie her struggles with these psuedomemories and untreated mental illness.
       Thousands of miles away from where she grew up her social circles were ignorant of the facts.  No one has ever called and talked with her brother, sisters, parents, grandparents or people who lived in our household during her youth.  
       We now realize that such delusions can persist indefinitely.  Pseudo memories are resistant to change unless those still in contact gently point out facts and ask questions that make the accuser aware of discrepancies. We understand that the outlook for her recovery from this episode is very poor. Maltreatment (harmful talk therapies based on memory) can make untreated mental illness profitable for therapists as it extends unhelpful treatment indefinitely.  We hope that someday her circle of acquaintances who do not know us will at least encourage her to get physically checked and competently cared for. We have and will always love, respect and cherish our daughter.
       In spite of the bizarre and false memories we will never give up on reconciliation and continue to pray for her.
      We are still allowed to hope!


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