Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Review: True Stories of False Memories

This is a review of the book:
True Stories of False Memories
Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin Farmer (1992)

     This book was written early in the crisis of "false memories" of the 1990's.  It is a collection of true stories about false memories of abuse and incest.  Some stories are told by those who made accusations of incest based on false memories and later retracted those stories.  Some of the accounts are by the siblings of accusers who were recruited and initially joined in with more false accusations but later realized they were false (created by techniques that create false memories) and then later retracted those accusations when they realized they were false.  Some accounts are by those siblings who knew from the start the accusations were false but responded in different ways (some challenging and others neutral).  The stories of totally innocent parents who suddenly faced fabricated false accusations through confrontational meetings, public humiliation, criminal charges, civil actions and lawsuits.   
     Theses false memories were created through a variety of methods. Generally referred to as "recovered memory techniques" the name of the methods creating the false memories change in order to retain insurance payouts for the therapy.  The false memories were and still are nurtured by licensed therapists, counselors with certifications and credentials, therapists without credentials, self help therapy books, group therapy setting, prayer ministries and friends just "helping each other" recover memories.  These memories are then used to explain bad decisions and poor outcomes in the personal lives of the accusers.
     Finally there is section dedicated to the latest positions and information available to experts in 1992.  The book points out  "A theory has emerged...It is a theory that says families are dysfunctional; it is not only acceptable but appropriate to confront your parents, abandon your "family of origin" and create a 'family of choice.'  The incest survivor movement has accepted this theory." (pg 159)  This section describes the techniques used by the "therapists"  and how the cultural conditions have fostered the phenomenon of "false memories" about physical abuse coupled with incest.  The result is estrangement and isolation of the accuser from family members.  The accuser then increases dependence on the therapist for emotional support (which mean more visits and longer term income for the therapist.)
     This book is written before the retractions of famous entertainers (eg. R. Barr).  The book also misses the numerous published "Regression Therapists" that went on to renounce the therapies (ex: Dr. Paul Simpson in the book "Second Thoughts").  Much more is known now and many informed professionals see this as a very dark mark on the mental health industry that did and immense amount damage to families and public trust of the profession.  Since the early 1990's lawsuits and civil judgments have largely wiped out institutions that supported the dubious practice of "recovered memory techniques" and insurance companies have both ceased covering such practices and quietly paid off victims of the therapy.  Meanwhile both the accused and those duped by insured therapists to make the accusations have won cases and/or taken settlements (often with the promise of confidentiality to keep lawsuit settlements quiet and repeated less often).
     There are also other people, not addressed in the book, who also believe in recovered or "repressed memories" no just just of abuse and incest but also of space alien abductions, satanic conspiracies and/or having previous lives as eagles, dogs or Roman Generals.  These memories are recovered using the same "memory recovery therapy" techniques. Unfortunately no amount of science and reason will ever cure such sincerely held "memories" that seem so real to the duped clients (ALL these memories are in fact false).
     So how is this still an issue in 2015?
     P. T. Barnum said there is a "sucker born every minute".  There is money and profit to be made so this form of "therapy" continues to exist.  Therapists (even if uninsured or unlicensed) will profit from helping a client blame someone else (rather than themselves) and become dependent on the therapist (more sessions.)  There are also "Do It Yourself Therapy" books are in the tradition of the "snake oil" and "hair tonic" salesman with a wagon.  He (or she) barks out how the potion will work magic and then sells the bottle and then moves on to sell another batch.  So the book sells because it will cure every malady just like the snake oil that is taken at your own risk.
     Why rate this book so high?  Well the individual stories are so good and even today they describe what many continue to needlessly and tragically suffer through.  Even the used price is high today, believe it or not, because there are people still falling for the same methods today.

My Amazon.com Review of this book December 16, 2015
OTHER REVIEWS from "True Stories of False Memories"

An honest book about families in torment
ByJanet Macdonaldon March 9, 2001
Format: Paperback

My daughter has "recovered memories" of sexual abuse and physical abuse that she "remembers" happening. Her brothers and sister and I have racked our brains for clues to her beliefs. In my search to understand where she is coming from, I have read and reread True Stories of False Memories. The stories of parents ring true and the stories of retractors (children that realize their "recovered memories" are false) are very informative. The retractors usually sign their names and explain how they came to believe they were abused. Intrinsic to their programming into a belief they were abused is a book called The Courage To Heal. It fits right in to their indoctrination by the "therapist" as she convinces them to call their mother a "birth mother" and to call her by her first name, not Mom. The family becomes "family of origin" and the family is discarded and cut off.  No attempt is ever made to find the truth. Most of the retractors came back to their families when the "therapist" cuts them off or they moved away. Then without the constant reinforcement of the "therapist" and "group therapy" they started questioning their beliefs and begin the long journey back to wholeness. The stories of the parents are heartbreaking. To have your child taken away from a parent is terrible. My own daughter was carefully nurtured growing up but she had a fatal flaw. She was never hurt and was very trusting and had a vivid imagination. I hope some day she will come home. She will always be very welcome. This book is a very good book for someone trying to understand "recovered memories" and the families in torment.

By Steven H Propp TOP 100 REVIEWER on August 8, 2013
Format: Paperback
Coauthors Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin Farmer began this 1993 book by saying, "In 1992 we authored Confabulations: Creating False Memories, Destroying Families which tells the stories of twenty families, written mostly by parents, affected by what is now recognized as False Memory Syndrome... Since the publication of Confabulations... We find that an epidemic of false memories is being created in the minds of intelligent, mostly well-educated, adults by sometimes well-meaning, often highly credentialed, professionals. We find techniques of mind control... being used to the detriment of thousands of families... we know the pain of retractors---women who survived a therapy that teaches and preaches hate, supposedly in order to 'heal' and be 'saved'... these women somehow came to realize they were victims of sham therapy... In this book we are publishing stories of siblings because they have a unique perspective---right in the middle of this dreadful situation, poised precariously between parents and a brother or a sister... We are also including the stories of retractors... What they went through and how they managed to return to normal lives provides enlightenment about this shocking mental health crisis." (Pg. 6-10)

One essayist asks, "The question that I would like to have answered from these therapists is this: Why are you using hypnosis/trancework for the recovery of memories? I understand that hypnosis is not accurate for memory recall. If this is so, then why are therapists using invalid techniques to help people regain memories that are not true, and destroying entire families?" (Pg. 61)

Another says, "This type of therapy advocates rage, hate and retaliation. Forgiveness is out of the picture. I can't help but feel that the authors of The Courage to Heal have taken their bitterness too far. Under the pretext of aid, they have stolen family members and made them victims. Of course we, the whole family, are all victims of this widespread vicious recovery movement." (Pg. 92)

A retractor says, "In retrospect, I don't know if there is anything I could have done to prevent what happened to me in therapy. There is no doubt that one of the most crippling steps I took in therapy was reading 'The Courage to Heal.' The book masterfully primed me for fabrication. With the exception of my first therapist... all of the mental health 'professionals' who cared for me (both as an inpatient and outpatient) were 'caught up' in this new wave of repressed memories and childhood sexual abuse and in blaming parents for all the problems one may have in adulthood. My biggest regret is not listening to that little voice inside me." (Pg. 248-249)

They note that "Randy Emon is a police officer in southern California. For several years, Emon investigated claims of satanic cults. He ... believed in a powerful, secret network of Satanists, based on reports of adult survivors who recovered bizarre memories in therapy. He recently came to the conclusion that he had been misled in his beliefs. After years of investigation failed to turn up any evidence of satanic crimes, Emon and two colleagues became convinced the they were wrong and are now speaking out against the hysteria they helped to create." (Pg. 500)

This is a powerful book, that should be read by people on all 'sides' of the controversy about "recovered memories."

Good information
By E. Ervin TOP 1000 REVIEWER on May 2, 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
This is a most helpful book if you have a family member or friend who suffers from false memories. The book provides a lot of information that is needed in specific situations. I learned a lot from reading the stories and hope to be able to be of some benefit to the specific person I have in mind. I had never understood false memories until now so this book did the trick for me. Thank you Eleanor C. Goldstein for writing this book.

INTERESTING QUOTES from "True Stories of False Memories"

Stories of Siblings...
     "Brothers and sisters are in an impossible position.  They are being asked to support the charges of sexual abuse, no matter how outrageous, against their parents...They are tormented...They plead...the pain seeps through every page."
                                                                                                       pg 11
See into sibling hearts...
     "My family is doing OK. We can now see that our pain is no match for the pain Alice (the accuser) is living with.  She is living her life believing that our father viciously and sadistically, molested her, our mother did nothing to protect her, and her own sisters are so deep in denial that they abandon here to heal alone.  If only she could see into our hearts - there is so much love and caring there."
                                                                                                       pg 22
Sister Box...
     "I have started a "sister" box for her, to show her that I never forgot her.  In it I will put items that I believe she would be interested in....jade ring, articles on Motown, cards, dreams, notes on our father and on me, those who she shut out of her life.
     I might not ever be able to forgive her, but I know I can't ever forget her.
     I wish for her to find her way.
                                                                                                       pg 27
     "She (the accuser) has tried to ruin all the good memories that I have of my childhood and turn them into some sort of horror story.  All she could say was...'You are in denial.'  Who is in denial here?"
                                                                                                       pg 38
Father asks therapist...          
     "My father asked the therapist, 'What credentials do you have to be at my house tonight?'  The therapist replied 'I don't carry my credentials in my back pocket.'  My father also asked the therapist why he was fired from his last position.  When my father became visibly angry, the therapist said this is the way people like you react, denial."
                                                                                                       pg 39
Techniques and tragedy...          
     "Hypnosis, watching films, support groups.  The counseling my sister and I had received was covered by health insurance-until the therapists were fired from their jobs.  After that, they worked out of their homes.  They were fired because the counseling center did not support their therapy techniques, and they were receiving a lot of complaints....
                                                                                                       pg 44
Must be something I can do...          
     "After the visit I felt very sad.  I was hoping they'd talk or even yell, but nothing happened.  I do understand why my parents didn't express their feelings.  We all feel that there's nothing we can say or do that would make a difference.  I wanted to help my sister and was so sure there must be something I could do.  I want my sister back."
                                                                                                       pg 69
Going along...          
     "She (the accuser) had a list in front of her of helpful things I could say or do, and what I shouldn't say or do in order not to upset her any further.  At this point I was going along with her and acting as if I believed what she was telling me.  I wanted to assure her that I was taking what she said very seriously and believed her. That was one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life."
                                                                                                       pg 71
Triggers, controlling and conspiracy...          
     "She (the accuser) said a greeting card Mom had sent was a 'trigger'.  Another attempt at a trigger was Mom asking Debbie for some checks from the joint account.  Debbie felt that Dad's name on the check was suppose to act as a trigger.  The third controlling attempt she cited was Mom wore a crystal to their session with Debbie, and any pendant is also considered a trigger.
     I asked who was involved.  She listed without hesitation" 'Mom, RIchard, the Millers, The Hoffmans, probably the Lowes, Dr. Tillman and the priest from St. Mary's."
                                                                                                       pg 77
Children dragged into the mess...          
     "Never has any of us lacked love from our parents.  Raised and educated Catholic, we were taught good morals and acquired sound values...To add to this story I want to mention that my brother-in-law totally suppoted my sister's allegations.  Never once did he qualify any of my sister's accusations with any of her siblings.  My little four year old niece has also confronted her cousins with tales of her mother's alleged abuse.
                                                                                                       pg 91
Support or lose...          
     "She (the accuser) said 'You do believe me right?'  I never gave her a yes or no answer.  In fact to this day I haven't.  I'm afraid that if I say I don't believe her, I'll lose her all together...I cried for 48 hours...Finally I blew up and told my Mom...Apparently Lynne (the accuser) has promised she wouldn't tell me unless we were all in a facilitated session.  Lynn broke that promise."
                                                                                                       pg 98
No need to prove anything...          
     "When I arrived, Jana (the accuser) explained that our plans were all off.  ALl of them.  There was no need to prove anything.  We had our memories and that was enough....I had come so far, and I was so close to possible confirmation, when Jana hit the brakes.
     I shortly found out why.  She had already been to the doctor.  There were no scars.  There was no proof.  No one could have walked away from what our father supposedly did without some scarring.  ANd for an hour I wished that I had not shared that observation...she fumed and steamed and would hardly speak to me.  She informed me that the doctor was somehow in collusion with our parents, and that it would be the same wherever we looked.  I suggested another doctor, a stranger....it made her angrier."
                                                                                                       pg 120-1
Letter to therapist by sibling...          
     "My exchange with you and my understanding of your role in my sister's current condition leaves me angry and frustrated....Beyond the ethical guidelines...stands the fundamental axiom 'first do not harm.'  A dreadful harm has been done, Dr. Hoffman, and I directly suffer from it.  I beg you...to investigate that harm.... "
                                                                                                       pg 145
Family of choice...          
     "A theory has emerged...It is a theory that says families are dysfunctional; it is not only acceptable but appropriate to confront your parents, abandon you "family of origin" and create a 'family of choice.'  The incest survivor movement has accepted this theory."
                                                                                                       pg 159
Get rid of your toxic parents...          
     Susan Forward states "Getting rid of your toxic parents...is a positive step toward personal well being.  As a psychotherapist, Forward firmly beleives in disowning imperfect parents rather than working toward reconciliation. ...Relationships with other relatives and close friends may also become strained...'This is never easy; it may e one of the more painful prices you must pay for emotional health."
                                                                                                       pg 196-7
      "They are charting new territory, in a land where "families of choice' have abandoned families of origin."
                                                                                                       pg 221
Retractor 1...
     "Then one day I received a magazine that talked about other people who had similar experiences in therapy.  I will always be grateful to that writer, Andy Meacham, who wrote an article titled 'Presumed Guilty' in Changes magazine.  He went out on a limb to talk truth of this devastating problem."
                                                                                                       pg 232
Retractor 2...
     "Throughout all of this, there was a small chilling voice inside me...I felt that these memories were all fabrications..but flet helplessly trapped.  Then, in November 1991, I was reading my local newspaper when a heading caught my eye.  It read 'Accusations of Sex Abuse, years later.'  As I read the column by Darrell Sifford, chills went up my spine. Here was the voice inside me in print."
                                                                                                       pg 247-8
Retractor 3...
     "When I realized I had been duped, I didn't know about False Memory Syndrome.  One day I read a message about the FMS Foundation over the computer conference and was overjoyed to find there had actually been others who had been through the same type of experience....I was shaking as I spoke to her (an FMS representative in Texas).
     I told them (my support group) that I was not an incest survivor...Thy told me I was in deep denial and that they hoped I would come out of darkness.  They looked pale, thin and had dark circles under their eyes.  I felt deeply sorry for them." 
                                                                                                       pg 232
Retractor 4...
     "I phoned my maternal grandma...I repeatedly asked her if she believed me, and she said she did.  In my journal I recorded how her love was true love because she believed me....She was accepting and warm.  Over and over she asked me why I had not come to her and told her.  She also wondered out loud how my Dad was capable of such a thing.  He had no history of anything even vaguely similar. She asked what could make a person do such a thing. I told her that usually the man had been abused himself as a boy....She gasped and said that my grandpa, who she'd been married to for over 50 years, would have never done such a thing..."
                                                                                                       pg 314
     "One morning...as I was leaving the house, I noticed a newspaper to which we did not subscribe on my porch.  Curious, I took off the rubber band and skimmed the front page.  The lead story was about something called 'False Memory Syndrome: Therapist Induced False Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse.'  My heart started racing faster and faster.  I felt and incredible sense of freedom and jubilation...."
                                                                                                       pg 330
Retractor 5...
     "I could no longer tolerate how I was feeling...A loud voice inside me said 'It's a LIE.  It's all a lie.' ..I was told about the False Memory Foundation and I started to cry when I read the information that sent that explained everything that happened to me."
                                                                                                       pg 341
Retractor 6...
     "In October 1991, I picked up the article on a family who had accused of horrible abuse by their daughter in therapy.  I was at the Kroger Supermarket and never left the parking lot until I read read every single word. ...Then after I read it I drove home and read it again...Just because Steve (therapist) said it, just because I had a flashback, did not necessarily make it so." (Laura Pasley)
                                                                                                       pg 361
 Retractor 6...
     "Everything was interpreted as supporting abuse.  When my parents sent a birthday card it was...a suicidal message....my father sent a letter signed 'Love, Your Father'  but that according to therapists was a suicidal message.
      ...the insurance company had a hard time understanding how suddenly this 27 year old woman had Schizoid Affective Disorder....Finally after 2 years it was time to get off the medication
     ...I wish my parents had been more insistent with my therapist that they didn't abuse me.  I wish my dad had made a call or written a letter or something and proclaimed his innocence.  It might have kept the doctors form saying 'See they did it.  They won't even face you."
     ...What allowed me to realize the 'memories' of abuse by my parents was time away from the therapy group."  (Lynn Gondolf)
                                                                                                       pg 382-6
Retractor 7...
     "All but one person in my group now realize they were led to believe we had MPD and were ritually abused. After the effect of the medication wore off I was able to distinguish which memories were real and which were created in therapy with Dr. Daley...
                                                                                                       pg 405
Vivid recollections...
     Ulric Neisser has studied memory...It is possible to have vivid recollections of things that never occurred.  Once those recollections are established they become difficult to change....
                                                                                                       pg 494
Suspension of Common Sense...
      1. Memory is permanent...
      2. There are special sure fire ways to get to that memory...
      3. Memories can be repressed...
      4. If you think you remember something it actually happened...
      5. The more confident...the more likely it happened...
      6. The widely accepted belief in this society in the total all-importance
           of childhood
       [The 6 above are assumptions that data may not be always true or

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