Friday, June 14, 2019

Health and Pseudomemories

Physical Health and Pseudomemories

      Those who adamantly believe that pseudomemories are factually accurate memories may be suffering from mental illness and may need medical care.  This elephant in the room is rarely discussed  A person who is physically able to walk, listen and talk in a manner that appears coherent  is assumed to be in good health.  Even when a person appears to be in good health the fact is that the physical dysfunctions that underlie mental illness can create lucid delusions and vivid hallucinations.  Delusions and hallucinations which seem real to the mentally ill can and do create vivid  memories of events that have not actually occurred. 
      In the 1960's and 70's studies of twins separated at birth revealed the the emergence of mental illness occurred at the same rate for those twins raised together or separately in different families.  The long held assumptions that parental approaches, personal trauma and life conditions created mental illness like schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder were questioned.  Additional research revealed that the nurturing conditions and personal life experiences alone did not explain the emergence of mental illness.
      Dr. Nancy C Andreasen MD, PhD and chair of the Psychiatric Department at the University of Iowa has done extensive research on mental health using brain scans,  written psychiatric textbooks and popular texts on mental health and received numerous awards over decades of service.  In the "The Broken Brain: The Biological Revolution in Psychiatry" (1985) she detailed and proposed the now widely accepted view that biological processes explain mental illness.  In receiving a presidential award for science in 2000 it was stated:
     "Long before it was broadly acknowledged, Nancy Andreasen understood that mental 
     illnesses are biologically-based brain disorders,  Her groundbreaking research on 
     schizophrenia has inspired hope for improved treatment and recovery..."
     A variety of physical dysfunctions are now known to create a schizophrenia and the psychosis that comes with this illness including metal toxicity,  food allergies, undermethylation, over methylation and pyrrole disorder.  Recreational drugs, medication, sleep deprivation  and even excessive water intake can create psychosis that results in hallucinations and easily created delusions.
     A well known Psychiatrist, Dr. Abram Hoffer, wrote a book on the treatment of those with schizophrenia and shared his insights regarding how to help the patient emerge from the illness in a book titled "The Orthomolecular Treatment of Schizophrenia" and on page 40 of that text he states:      
     "...I find it very helpful to have the family in my office during the interview, with the
     patient's permission. A lot of time is saved in gathering the information needed to make
     the diagnosis.  It also helps when the family hears the discussion and knows what the 
     treatment will be.  Although most psychiatrists no longer blame the family for the illness
     of a relative, it can still occur.  It is important to remove any guilt them family may have
      derived from previous outmoded, harmful explanations."
Dr. Hoffer recognized, in the quote above that therapists with good intentions could implement errant treatments, like memory based therapies,  that create estrangement of the family from the patient.  He was aware that successful treatment of those suffering from schizophrenia often relied on families and family members that may have been part of horrid pseudomemories generated by the patient while in psychosis.

    Dysfunctional metabolisms create psychosis and false memories may emerge from the resulting hallucinations and delusions. These false memories can be believed by the afflicted person as real. False memories can then be inappropriately used in memory based therapies, in family confrontations, in legal actions, result in loss of careers and even imprisonment of accused innocents. The innocent but accused person should be advised to focus concern on the possibly undiagnosed mental illness of the accuser.

*** WARNING ***
If you are seeking help for personal struggles and a therapist, counselor or friend says that "recovering childhood memories can help you get better" then IMMEDIATELY get up from your chair (or off the couch), run to the door, open it and flee. Hundreds of thousands have lost families, years of productive living and squandered immense wealth with tragedy inducing therapy that produces horrid false memories, splinters families, isolates the client and is documented to cause decline in mental health.



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