Friday, July 29, 2016

Our Grace was Hijacked!

Truth and communication are always helpful.  There was more communication in July of 2016.  The more truthful communications the better for everyone.
       After public confrontations and false accusations in June of 2015 based on pseudo memories all friends and family (the one's most knowledgeable ot the facts) who shared doubts or maintained historical truth that the described behaviors never happened were  quickly "cutoff".   
       Given Grace's vulnerability and experience  we do not think she is "lying" or being "deceptive".   Grace was subjected to memory recovery techniques well known to create pseudo-memories (fantasized events that are mistaken for historical events).   These false memories seem real to her.
       Pseudo-memories are documented to genuinely be mistaken for truthful memories.  Often these types of memories can be created through reactions to medication in conjunction with therapists using recovered memory techniques.  "Friends" using these therapy techniques combined with do it yourself therapy books or "prayer partners" can also create and nurture these false memories.  All of these techniques and programs are well known to generate pseudo-memories that seem real to the victim even if they are factually not true. 

       It presently appears that Grace and her husband (Kevin) limit communication ONLY to those who will accept that these false memories are true.l  The seek both sympathy and financial assistance.   Pseudo memories once called "repressed memories" were generated using techniques openly described in public posts.  The human mind is vulnerable when medicated, exhausted and in the throws of postpartum hormonal changes as our daughter was.  Unfortunately these "memories" may never be entirely eliminated under the medicated and isolated conditions that are imposed.
       In fact we have been threatened with restraining orders and litigation if we do not cease communication. 
       A sign of mental illness is estrangement from family.  The indications are such in this case as well.   Those with "pseudo memories" often never reconcile with their family after making the typically horrid false accusations.  Innocent people falsely accused by pseudo memories have experienced the loss of career, jail, criminal charges and prison.  Grace was in contact with two sisters and emailed other family members.  While things are not ideal  they are more tolerable than many other families who have been tragically harmed by this fraudulent approach to "healing".
       My husband and I are convinced that truth is the only way out of this.  We were initially advised to sue for defamation, but hesitated to give Grace time to cease her public accusations.   Those public false accusations did cease among those who truly knew these memories could not be true.  They continue to tell stories to those who have never met . We understand that genuine love requires that all coercion and threats cease. So we are hoping that the coercion and threats cease.
      We are praying for a genuine change of heart and for her to cease the attempts to recruit co-accusers, to discontinue dwelling on her false memories and to turn away from "digging up more memories" which actually means nurturing and creating more false memories.  Such change is always difficult especially while medicated, compromised by pseudo memories and having those who truly know you"cutoff".
     Some have expressed appreciation for the information and insights provided by this blog about some of the fraudulent mental health practices and spiritual quackery that exist.  Much of the public information gathered here will remain online for as long as google supports the "Blogger".  Details relating to our personal situation would not be needed once direct communication is possible again with the Reynolds family.
     The road she may have started will likely be longer than we would like.  Truth may foster healing but there are times when it is uncomfortable.  Join all her sisters and brother and mother and father in praying for her and her family to recover from this tragedy.  Pray for all of us to also have the patience and wisdom needed.

Grace's last written communication written in 2014:

 In 2015 after giving birth to a new child she shared with
her mother about being "depressed".
Grace reports that her doctor then diagnosed her with
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" 
and medicated her for "depression".
Friends, "counselor" or "prayer partner" provided
her with "guided imaging sessions".
This "technique" is well known to produce false memories. 
She had "blackouts" (shared in personally published accounts)
and the horrid pseudo memories were then nurtured.

       The Witch Hunts of the 1690's  were driven by those who had "pseudo memories".   Fourteen Years after arrests, torture, trials and 20 state sponsored executions the most convincing and animated accuser recalled: 
 "I did it not out of any anger, malice or ill-will to any person, for I had no such thing against one of them, but what I did was [done] ignorantly . . . . I desire to lie in the dust, and to be humbled for it, in that I was a cause, with others, of so sad a calamity to them and their families."
Ann Putnam 1706
       Ann Putnam was an articulate and emotional false accuser who never intended to do evil.  She was a sincere believer in her memories that the accused appeared on top of her while in bed sleeping who" pressed down on her chest with great force."
       While in her early thirties Ann was depressed and weary  from caring for an ill child since birth.  She remembered images of people who physically restrained her and abused her.  They were identified as "witches".
       Those sympathetic to her plight encouraged her by stating that they believed in her false memories.  It is clear from written records and accounts that the false accusations she made were based on pseudo memories.  Others later joined in to corroborate and expand the accusations.  This American historical event came to be known as the "Salem Witch Trials".  The name assigned to those accused of being witches (and executed) were "deniers". In all 19 people, who all denied being witches, were executed by the state of Massachusetts based on the "memories" of events never corroborated by physical evidence or direct witnesses.  The only witnesses were the accusers who often obtained a portion of the estate of the executed in payment for the witchery that harmed them.

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