I was intrigued by the claim to be a "Christian Ministry" with a title "Healing Life's Hurts". After reading this book, it is very clear why the name of this technique was changed from "Counseling" to "Prayer Ministry." This religious program is protected from lawsuits that would certainly seize the assets of this program if labeled as a "counseling program".
The book is clearly a throwback to the recovered memory movements of the 1980's and 1990's that destroyed MANY tens of thousands of families with false allegations of abuse and incest. Innocent fathers were thrown into prison for decades and immense harm was done to families over those decades of injustice. The author, surprisingly admits to leading an "incest survivors group" (on pg 81) that is now known to be a technique for generating and nurturing FALSE accusations of child abuse using peer pressured environments. I am alarmed that the author uses his experience in horrid memory creations to create this book and the program. Highly respected counselors tried and rejected this approach to treatment based on the results.
The idea that "memories" are stored and preserved in "containers" is depicted throughout this book (explicitly on pages 25-29, 49, 89 & 137.) The idea of "containers that preserve events and emotions" has been completely debunked (An excellent read is the book "The Myth of Repressed Memory" by famed memory expert Dr. Elizabeth Loftus). A 2009 ruling of the second federal circuit court has ordered a review and reversal of all cases relying of recovered, "repressed memories" ("container memories") because these memories are now known to be fraudulent and unreliable. While many of the innocents imprisoned were eventually freed it was often after years in jail. Many innocents remained jailed for decades.
On page 142 the author throws off all pretenses and states "What convinces me more than anything else of the reality of repressed memory is the people I see whose lives have been transformed..." This particular section of the book would be a shocking display of professional negligence if he were an insured counselor. Study after study and case after legal case confirm that "repressed memories" are fabricated, especially while medicated or exhausted, confused, confabulated and suggested or some combination. Many prominent experts in human memory firmly believe, based on the failure to ever confirm such memories, that "repressed memories" are a modern myth. A Washington state study tracked the cost and effectiveness of counseling using "repressed memories" and found it was more than twice as expensive, increased suicidal ideation, decreased employment and resulted in family fracturing. In addition Ed Smith fails to recognize that the minority of clients who retract false accusations due to these memories are exceptional because they are unusually bright and often have come off of medication or left the influence of the counselor. All of them are shamed, even those who come to admit publicly they were misled into silence. A good discussion of this shame aspect is in the award winning book "My Lie" which stands in contrast to the misleading expression "my truth". The vast majority of false memory victims fail to ever see they have been duped. Finally, the most shocking false assertion of the author is that false memories can not have strong emotion attached to them (pg 142) which has been analyzed thoroughly, in fact false memories can have MORE emotion attached to them. This is a bizarre denial of what psychologists and professionals have come to realize since the 1990's.
The overwhelming thesis of the book is the suggestion that some past event is responsible for our present problems and that the "memory containers" and "lies" are required to deal with these problems. This mythical cultural assumption, spiritual authority and the overwhelming expectation of sexual or other abuse being at the root of all personal problems permeate every page. Add to this mix a culture with sexually explicit media and is it any surprise you will generate "pseudo memories" of abuse? One does not need "guided imagery", which the ministry rightly warns to avoid, (on pg. 135) as if that is the only source of pseudo memories!
In this approach to counseling truth is pliable and matches the needs of the client. "During the Ministry session ministry facilitators don't give advice, quote scripture or tell the person in pain the truth, since this rarely has much impact in such context" (pg 10). Truth is defined by what the person finds in the "memory container". This approach reminds us of a man who washed his hands and asked "What is truth?" prior to sending an innocent man to his death. Is that a Christian Ministry?
This program frees clients from responsibility for their actions and problems in their lives by blaming perpetrators found in the created "memory containers". Does blaming lead to long term healing? Can blame truly heal if based on confabulated, confused and false memories? There is one quote (early) in the book I entirely agree with: "You may cause more harm than good if you seek to lead a person to the places of pain in his or her mind......" pg (16)
This book and ministry will do much harm for the hurting and vulnerable people who are seeking help even if it does enrich the peddlers of this tragedy inducing program. The time has come for those who do harm using "ministry" to be just as liable as those who do harm using "counseling". The precedent for civil action is certainly already in place. Such civil actions ceased recovered memory therapy in the 1990's starting with Beth Rutherford. I hope there will be some duped client, or family torn asunder that awakens and pursues this "ministry" focused on "lies" that is certain to do harm.
The book is clearly a throwback to the recovered memory movements of the 1980's and 1990's that destroyed MANY tens of thousands of families with false allegations of abuse and incest. Innocent fathers were thrown into prison for decades and immense harm was done to families over those decades of injustice. The author, surprisingly admits to leading an "incest survivors group" (on pg 81) that is now known to be a technique for generating and nurturing FALSE accusations of child abuse using peer pressured environments. I am alarmed that the author uses his experience in horrid memory creations to create this book and the program. Highly respected counselors tried and rejected this approach to treatment based on the results.
The idea that "memories" are stored and preserved in "containers" is depicted throughout this book (explicitly on pages 25-29, 49, 89 & 137.) The idea of "containers that preserve events and emotions" has been completely debunked (An excellent read is the book "The Myth of Repressed Memory" by famed memory expert Dr. Elizabeth Loftus). A 2009 ruling of the second federal circuit court has ordered a review and reversal of all cases relying of recovered, "repressed memories" ("container memories") because these memories are now known to be fraudulent and unreliable. While many of the innocents imprisoned were eventually freed it was often after years in jail. Many innocents remained jailed for decades.
On page 142 the author throws off all pretenses and states "What convinces me more than anything else of the reality of repressed memory is the people I see whose lives have been transformed..." This particular section of the book would be a shocking display of professional negligence if he were an insured counselor. Study after study and case after legal case confirm that "repressed memories" are fabricated, especially while medicated or exhausted, confused, confabulated and suggested or some combination. Many prominent experts in human memory firmly believe, based on the failure to ever confirm such memories, that "repressed memories" are a modern myth. A Washington state study tracked the cost and effectiveness of counseling using "repressed memories" and found it was more than twice as expensive, increased suicidal ideation, decreased employment and resulted in family fracturing. In addition Ed Smith fails to recognize that the minority of clients who retract false accusations due to these memories are exceptional because they are unusually bright and often have come off of medication or left the influence of the counselor. All of them are shamed, even those who come to admit publicly they were misled into silence. A good discussion of this shame aspect is in the award winning book "My Lie" which stands in contrast to the misleading expression "my truth". The vast majority of false memory victims fail to ever see they have been duped. Finally, the most shocking false assertion of the author is that false memories can not have strong emotion attached to them (pg 142) which has been analyzed thoroughly, in fact false memories can have MORE emotion attached to them. This is a bizarre denial of what psychologists and professionals have come to realize since the 1990's.
The overwhelming thesis of the book is the suggestion that some past event is responsible for our present problems and that the "memory containers" and "lies" are required to deal with these problems. This mythical cultural assumption, spiritual authority and the overwhelming expectation of sexual or other abuse being at the root of all personal problems permeate every page. Add to this mix a culture with sexually explicit media and is it any surprise you will generate "pseudo memories" of abuse? One does not need "guided imagery", which the ministry rightly warns to avoid, (on pg. 135) as if that is the only source of pseudo memories!
In this approach to counseling truth is pliable and matches the needs of the client. "During the Ministry session ministry facilitators don't give advice, quote scripture or tell the person in pain the truth, since this rarely has much impact in such context" (pg 10). Truth is defined by what the person finds in the "memory container". This approach reminds us of a man who washed his hands and asked "What is truth?" prior to sending an innocent man to his death. Is that a Christian Ministry?
This program frees clients from responsibility for their actions and problems in their lives by blaming perpetrators found in the created "memory containers". Does blaming lead to long term healing? Can blame truly heal if based on confabulated, confused and false memories? There is one quote (early) in the book I entirely agree with: "You may cause more harm than good if you seek to lead a person to the places of pain in his or her mind......" pg (16)
This book and ministry will do much harm for the hurting and vulnerable people who are seeking help even if it does enrich the peddlers of this tragedy inducing program. The time has come for those who do harm using "ministry" to be just as liable as those who do harm using "counseling". The precedent for civil action is certainly already in place. Such civil actions ceased recovered memory therapy in the 1990's starting with Beth Rutherford. I hope there will be some duped client, or family torn asunder that awakens and pursues this "ministry" focused on "lies" that is certain to do harm.
"Healing Life's Hurts through Theophostic Prayer"
During the ministry session...
"During the Ministry session ministry facilitators don't give advice, quote scripture or tell the person in pain the truth, since this rarely has much impact in such context."
pg 10
Special Note about Harm and pain ...
"Many of the primary principles of administering Theophostic Prayer Ministry are not included in this book, and you may experience negative results... You may cause more harm than good if you seek to lead a person to the places of pain in his or her mind...."
pg 16
Why would implementing this "wonderful program" do more harm than good? Could it be that the program is tapping ideas that have been clearly found to be harmful? Why would special training be needed to prevent the harm? If the appraoch is so harmful to the person and families why try it at all when there are so many other approaches that are safer and less damaging?
Principles of Theophistic Prayer Ministry...
"Principle One: Our present situation is rarely the true cause of our ongoing emotional pain...
Principle Two: Everything we presently know, feel or are mentally aware of has its roots in a first time experience...
Principle Three: If we try to resolve our present conflicts without resolving our historical lie-based woundedness, we will find only temporary relief for our emotional pain. However, if we find healing for our past, we can redeem our present.
pg 27-9
All three principles fail to recognize that the memory of "past events" can be changed, distorted, confused, confabulated and created through the use of suggestive states, physical stressors like exhaustion and/or psychotropic medication.
Principle Two: Everything we presently know, feel or are mentally aware of has its roots in a first time experience...
Principle Three: If we try to resolve our present conflicts without resolving our historical lie-based woundedness, we will find only temporary relief for our emotional pain. However, if we find healing for our past, we can redeem our present.
pg 27-9
All three principles fail to recognize that the memory of "past events" can be changed, distorted, confused, confabulated and created through the use of suggestive states, physical stressors like exhaustion and/or psychotropic medication.
Principal Five displays the errant analogy of "repressed memory". ....
"To facilitate emotional healing, we need to identify the three basic elements in the healing process: (1) the present emotional pain (2) the original memory container and (3) the original lies implanted in the memory container."
pg 28-29
An expert in memory Elizabeth Loftus describes the understanding of a "repressed memory" as a box buried in the soil that can be exhumed years later with exact recollection and precisely measured impact on the speculated existence of the subconscious. This analogy is errant in every respect and studies and research over the last 30 years verify the debunking of the "memory container" that stores unalterable, fixed and rigid memories of past events. This analogy has been immensely destructive to families and people over the centuries (even used in the Salem Witch Trials).
pg 28-29
An expert in memory Elizabeth Loftus describes the understanding of a "repressed memory" as a box buried in the soil that can be exhumed years later with exact recollection and precisely measured impact on the speculated existence of the subconscious. This analogy is errant in every respect and studies and research over the last 30 years verify the debunking of the "memory container" that stores unalterable, fixed and rigid memories of past events. This analogy has been immensely destructive to families and people over the centuries (even used in the Salem Witch Trials).
Errant statement that reveals a simplistic model of memory as a 'recorder'...
"Our minds record both the information of the events and interpretation of the events."
pg 49
This "recorder model" has been thoroughly debunked by psychologists and in the court system. It is now well known that the information AND interpretation of past events are pliable, plastic and easily distorted over time. This simplistic and inaccurate idea has done tremendous documented damage to families and individuals over the years.
pg 49
This "recorder model" has been thoroughly debunked by psychologists and in the court system. It is now well known that the information AND interpretation of past events are pliable, plastic and easily distorted over time. This simplistic and inaccurate idea has done tremendous documented damage to families and individuals over the years.
More evidence of error inherited from the now well debunked "repressed memory"
Truth and Theophostic prayer...
"...people who administer Theophostic Prayer Ministry ask the person undergoing ministry what feels true, as opposed to what is true when looking for the lie. What we feel is an indication of what we experientually believe."
pg 75
The idea that truth is pliable and based on the emotion of the person recalling some event allows for less than real truth. It is the same idea used by
a man who washed his hands and stated the question "What is truth" and then
condemned and innocent man to death. Why would Christians want to do this?
pg 75
The idea that truth is pliable and based on the emotion of the person recalling some event allows for less than real truth. It is the same idea used by
a man who washed his hands and stated the question "What is truth" and then
condemned and innocent man to death. Why would Christians want to do this?
Author provides insight of his bias...
"Janice was a member of an incest survivors group I used to oversee before I began doing Theophostic Prayer Ministry."
pg 81
The "incest support groups" of the 1980-90's have been extensively recognized as the source of manufactured and false incest accusations. The peer pressure exerted on members to generate tales of abuse has been extensively documented and reported by retractors and participants alike. It is alarming that based on this experience the author has based his present "ministry".
False use of the now debunked "repressed memories"...
"We can bury the memory, but its pain will eventually surface, causing more problems."
pg 89
The long debunked idea that buried memories unearthed lead to healing and freedom is restated again and again throughout the book. While all the verifiable data fully reveals that such memories are contaminated by events since the original recollection, confabulated with similar memories, subject to source confusion and altered by physical states such as exhaustion and medication. The myth that "digging up" "memory containers" lives on with all the destruction certain to follow.
pg 89
The long debunked idea that buried memories unearthed lead to healing and freedom is restated again and again throughout the book. While all the verifiable data fully reveals that such memories are contaminated by events since the original recollection, confabulated with similar memories, subject to source confusion and altered by physical states such as exhaustion and medication. The myth that "digging up" "memory containers" lives on with all the destruction certain to follow.
Therapy fads...
"No one can address these wounds and take away the pain. The only remedy is God's healing."
pg 113
Finally a quote I can fully agree with. Why then does the author and perpetrator of this program based on a myth (container memory) implement a remedy that harms? Why not look ahead to the damage and tragedy sure to follow? Why blame to avoid taking responsibility? Why use a method of that so often wrongly and falsely dishonors mother and father in order to "heal"? Why violate the only commandment with a promise? Why avoid recognizing that commandment?
This is a shocking quote that displays significant errant reasoning and faulty assumption based on biased observations. The author is convinced of the reality of repressed memories by the"transformation and healing" of the client? What if the memory is factually false? What if the event "recalled" never happened? What if the "repressed memory" is created through fabrication, guided imagery, fantasy, confusion, horror film, images painted in a book, medication, sleep deprivation, peer pressured environment or hypnotic suggestion?
So we can see that these issues mean little to the author because if there is "healing" then the "memory" must be "true." The fact that the event never occurred is not a criteria, in this quote, for the "repressed memory" to be declared "true"! This means that truth can be "created" by coming up with an "event" that explains how the client is not responsible for poor decisions or a life in shambles by chance. Freed of responsibility, and convinced that the "repressed memory" is true, the client can be now be fully transformed and "healed."
Memory researchers have found that they can change eating preferences by "planting" memories (Loftus et al.). The diets of the study participants are then changed to include more fruits and vegetables! So it is entirely possible that false memories CAN change behavior as if they actually happened.
The unfortunate "collateral damage" are the falsely accused, falsely jailed, falsely imprisoned the broken hearted mothers, grand mothers and grandchildren. The new victims do not matter to the author. They are not mentioned. The client is "healed" and so the "repressed memory" is true.
Quote found 7/12/2106 at
A Kentucky journalist has associated Theophostic Prayer Ministry with Recovered Memory Therapy, an approach now widely discredited after discovery of false memory phenomena on the basis that Theophostic Prayer Ministry also presupposes the possibility of repression or memory inhibition,
A critical entry from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance also seeks to associate Theophostic Ministry with Recovered Memory Therapy.
However, Smith himself strongly repudiates Recovered Memory Therapy, and in recent years he has taught that it is counter-productive to pursue or even allow demonic confrontations in a ministry session. However, in his Basic Training Seminar Manual and in each of the training videos, Smith warns strongly against making any suggestions that might affect the actual content of a memory, and he lists ten ways in which TPM differs from RMT. Nevertheless, once a core belief about self has been identified through the memory (not in the memory per se), Smith does "invite the Lord" to speak truth to the ministry recipient concerning that belief.
A Christian psychologist, David Entwistle, has expressed concerns with its practice: "TPM follows in the lineage of 'healing of memory' techniques, though it departs from that lineage in a number of important respects. Numerous concerns exist surrounding insufficient attempts to ground TPM in biblical concepts; inadequate and often flawed explanations of basic psychological processes; dubious claims about the prevalence of DID, SRA, and demonic activity; estimates of traumatic abuse that exceed empirical findings; and the failure to sufficiently appreciate the possibility of iatrogenic memory contamination".
Entwistle raises concern over empirical validity, with questions about literal appearances of God, as Entwistle interprets claimed perceptions of truth, including spontaneous visualizations of Christ; ethical and legal issues relating to guarantees of healing; application of TPM to a variety of mental disorders without empirical validation; the legal question of whether it should be considered a religious intervention or a counseling procedure – and whether this was settled by changing the name from Theophostic Counseling to Theophostic Ministry; and the failure of Smith to welcome public analysis and critique of TPM.
In Cumberland County, Maine, sexual-abuse charges against pastor Thomas Wright were laid after a church member's memory surfaced during Theophostic sessions, of Wright allegedly abusing a child. When the case went to trial in 2002, the charges were thrown out by the District Attorney because evidence was based on ‘unconventional and biased therapeutic methods’. The District Attorney noted that these methods were considered unreliable by the American Psychological Society.
In Australia, a psychologist was found guilty of malpractice for using Theophostic methods in 2006 by the Queensland Health Practitioners Tribunal. The tribunal found that Irene Moreau, who practiced from a Christian counselling centre in Brisbane, 'inappropriately used Theophostic Prayer Ministry as a counselling technique'.
Practitioners of inner healing techniques such as TPM frequently do not have formal training in psychology or counseling, although Fernando Garzon suggests that this in many cases may be beneficial, saying: "...it may serve people who might not get help otherwise, cannot afford professional therapy, do not wish to use insurance, or have access to counseling limited by managed care. Others belong to churches in which the pastor is either not trained, not interested, or not available due to having too many other pastoral duties to meet the needs for pastoral counseling. Still others simply may trust lay people, whom they know, more than a therapist, whom they do not know. In addition, the training itself may benefit the lay counselors spiritually and emotionally."
In addition to questions about the efficacy, safety and reliability of TPM, it has also divided Christian observers with regard to the soundness of its theology. In the conclusion of their paper A theological analysis of Theophostic Ministry, Bryan Maier and Philip Monroe put it this way: "...on the issues of sin and healing, the question remains for Christian counselors and the evangelical community as a whole as to whether Smith's "theological basis" is consistent with responsible biblical doctrine. We do not think that Smith has warrant to make this claim. Furthermore, we think these differences are so significant that we advise great caution before engaging in this ministry – whether as a client or as facilitator."
Repressed Memory stand...
"What convinces me more than anything else of the reality of repressed memory is the people I see whose lives have been transformed through healing in the context of these same memories."
pg 142
So we can see that these issues mean little to the author because if there is "healing" then the "memory" must be "true." The fact that the event never occurred is not a criteria, in this quote, for the "repressed memory" to be declared "true"! This means that truth can be "created" by coming up with an "event" that explains how the client is not responsible for poor decisions or a life in shambles by chance. Freed of responsibility, and convinced that the "repressed memory" is true, the client can be now be fully transformed and "healed."
Memory researchers have found that they can change eating preferences by "planting" memories (Loftus et al.). The diets of the study participants are then changed to include more fruits and vegetables! So it is entirely possible that false memories CAN change behavior as if they actually happened.
The unfortunate "collateral damage" are the falsely accused, falsely jailed, falsely imprisoned the broken hearted mothers, grand mothers and grandchildren. The new victims do not matter to the author. They are not mentioned. The client is "healed" and so the "repressed memory" is true.
Dr. Paul Simpson, of Tucson, Ariz., is an accredited Christian family counselor, and author of "Second Thoughts: Understanding the False Memory Crisis and How It Could Affect You" He describes TPM as "pretty dangerous stuff....While recovered memory therapy has been completely debunked in the professional community, you've got this springing up from Ed Smith. And that's what it is: a dressed up version of recovered memory therapy."
A Kentucky journalist has associated Theophostic Prayer Ministry with Recovered Memory Therapy, an approach now widely discredited after discovery of false memory phenomena on the basis that Theophostic Prayer Ministry also presupposes the possibility of repression or memory inhibition,
A critical entry from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance also seeks to associate Theophostic Ministry with Recovered Memory Therapy.
However, Smith himself strongly repudiates Recovered Memory Therapy, and in recent years he has taught that it is counter-productive to pursue or even allow demonic confrontations in a ministry session. However, in his Basic Training Seminar Manual and in each of the training videos, Smith warns strongly against making any suggestions that might affect the actual content of a memory, and he lists ten ways in which TPM differs from RMT. Nevertheless, once a core belief about self has been identified through the memory (not in the memory per se), Smith does "invite the Lord" to speak truth to the ministry recipient concerning that belief.
A Christian psychologist, David Entwistle, has expressed concerns with its practice: "TPM follows in the lineage of 'healing of memory' techniques, though it departs from that lineage in a number of important respects. Numerous concerns exist surrounding insufficient attempts to ground TPM in biblical concepts; inadequate and often flawed explanations of basic psychological processes; dubious claims about the prevalence of DID, SRA, and demonic activity; estimates of traumatic abuse that exceed empirical findings; and the failure to sufficiently appreciate the possibility of iatrogenic memory contamination".
Entwistle raises concern over empirical validity, with questions about literal appearances of God, as Entwistle interprets claimed perceptions of truth, including spontaneous visualizations of Christ; ethical and legal issues relating to guarantees of healing; application of TPM to a variety of mental disorders without empirical validation; the legal question of whether it should be considered a religious intervention or a counseling procedure – and whether this was settled by changing the name from Theophostic Counseling to Theophostic Ministry; and the failure of Smith to welcome public analysis and critique of TPM.
In Cumberland County, Maine, sexual-abuse charges against pastor Thomas Wright were laid after a church member's memory surfaced during Theophostic sessions, of Wright allegedly abusing a child. When the case went to trial in 2002, the charges were thrown out by the District Attorney because evidence was based on ‘unconventional and biased therapeutic methods’. The District Attorney noted that these methods were considered unreliable by the American Psychological Society.
In Australia, a psychologist was found guilty of malpractice for using Theophostic methods in 2006 by the Queensland Health Practitioners Tribunal. The tribunal found that Irene Moreau, who practiced from a Christian counselling centre in Brisbane, 'inappropriately used Theophostic Prayer Ministry as a counselling technique'.
Practitioners of inner healing techniques such as TPM frequently do not have formal training in psychology or counseling, although Fernando Garzon suggests that this in many cases may be beneficial, saying: "...it may serve people who might not get help otherwise, cannot afford professional therapy, do not wish to use insurance, or have access to counseling limited by managed care. Others belong to churches in which the pastor is either not trained, not interested, or not available due to having too many other pastoral duties to meet the needs for pastoral counseling. Still others simply may trust lay people, whom they know, more than a therapist, whom they do not know. In addition, the training itself may benefit the lay counselors spiritually and emotionally."
In addition to questions about the efficacy, safety and reliability of TPM, it has also divided Christian observers with regard to the soundness of its theology. In the conclusion of their paper A theological analysis of Theophostic Ministry, Bryan Maier and Philip Monroe put it this way: "...on the issues of sin and healing, the question remains for Christian counselors and the evangelical community as a whole as to whether Smith's "theological basis" is consistent with responsible biblical doctrine. We do not think that Smith has warrant to make this claim. Furthermore, we think these differences are so significant that we advise great caution before engaging in this ministry – whether as a client or as facilitator."
Original Article above found on 7/11/2016 with annotations at:
Conclusion of extensive Examination and Study:
"Although quick and permanent results are promised by this (TPM) approach, it also holds the potential for irreparable damage to relationships and families by unearthing of allegedly buried memories of the past sins of others. All that glitters is not gold, and all that claims to be "light" is not necessarily God's light. The theophostic approach does not withstand scrutiny under the searchlight of God's eternal Word."
Found 7/16/2016 at http://www.christiandiscernment.com/Christian%20Discernment/CD%20PDF/Book%20pdf/31%20Theophostic%20Theology%20FINAL%20PAPER.pdf
Archived Copy at:

Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM) is well known to generate false memories that harm clients and families. Often the victims including the vulnerable client and falsely accused family members remain silent out of shame and fear. This web page is to help others learn about this tragedy inducing ministry that combines fraudulent recovered memory therapy with errant theological interpretation:
"Although quick and permanent results are promised by this (TPM) approach, it also holds the potential for irreparable damage to relationships and families by unearthing of allegedly buried memories of the past sins of others. All that glitters is not gold, and all that claims to be "light" is not necessarily God's light. The theophostic approach does not withstand scrutiny under the searchlight of God's eternal Word."
Found 7/16/2016 at http://www.christiandiscernment.com/Christian%20Discernment/CD%20PDF/Book%20pdf/31%20Theophostic%20Theology%20FINAL%20PAPER.pdf
Archived Copy at:
Learn more about
Theophostic Prayer Ministry
A Prayer Ministry that destroys Families, jails the innocent and shames victims and their families into silence.
Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM) is well known to generate false memories that harm clients and families. Often the victims including the vulnerable client and falsely accused family members remain silent out of shame and fear. This web page is to help others learn about this tragedy inducing ministry that combines fraudulent recovered memory therapy with errant theological interpretation:
Institute finds Theophostic Prayer Ministry as one of the many damaging cults.
TheoPhostic Counseling: Divine or What? (brief article)
Dr. Gary briefly cites major philosophical and methodological errors in TPM
Dr. Burgess reviews book by leader of TPM that describes Theophostic Prayer.
Lying Spirits (online book)
A journalist investigates and finds profound errors in method and results.
Grave error in recognizing "repressed memories" as true.
Theophostic Theology (online book)
Christian theological analysis finds major errors in biblical quotes used by TPM.
Thorough analysis by two degreed psychologists who now review counseling programs that combine harmful psychological techniques with religious faith.
In response to my posting a link to this website a Theophostic representative responded. I captured our exchange for your review and evaluation.
This is an effort to Break the Cycle of Shame
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