Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Expert: Reasons to Accuse

    Why would anyone believe anything so painful as being sexually abused by a parent if it weren't true? 
  0.  Because the client is experiencing metabolic dysfunction that is altering the physiological balance and biochemical factors affecting brain function and emotional stability.  This can make the client highly susceptible and vulnerable to harmful therapies that suggest events as causes of ills rather than the physiology ("Broken Brain" br Dr. Nancy Adreason, "Nutrient Power" by Dr. William Walsh)

 [The book "Diagnosis for Disaster" highlights the reasons accuser gave for nurturing and retaining false memories.  The Chapter where the reasoning is evidenced is in brackets]
  1.  Because it explains why he or she cannot meet the modern social demand to manage careers, marriages, and children without the support of appropriate social programs. [Chapter 1]
  2.  Because it is a simple, neat explanation for a lifetime of turmoil and disappointment that has not been caused by any known or acknowledged trauma. [Chapter 1]
  3.  Because it provides a compelling and guilt-free reason for separating from family and ends those uncomfortable feelings of ambivalence. [Chapter 2]
  4.  Because it provides a sense of belonging and acceptance that he or she has been searching for all of his life. [Chapter 2]
  5.  Because someone in authority has said that belief is the only road to mental health. [Chapter 4]
  6.  Because no questioning of the treatment is allowed.  The clients are judged not competent to decide whether their memories are true.  Doubting is regarded as proof of their "denial" and resistance to getting well. [Chapter 4]
  7.  Because it is socially sanctioned excuse for escaping responsibility for one's own mistakes or failing to grow up emotionally. [Chapter 5]
  8.  Because he feels trapped, punished, and isolated in an inpatient program and believes he must play the "repressed memory game" in order to gain his freedom. [Chapter 5]
  9.  Because the therapist has used coercion and his or her aura of expertise to override the client's perceptions and convince the client that her memory can not be trusted. [Chapter 5]
10.  Because many therapists have failed to study the history of psychiatric practices, theory and past grave errors; these therapists do not realize that they can be mistaken. [Chapter 8]
11.  Because he or she finds focusing on a fantasy satanic abuse to be less painful than the mundane reality of parental neglect and emotional abandonment. [Chapter 9]
12.  Because it provides one simple graspable reason  for being unhappy when he or she "has it all." [Chapter 10]
13.  Because  it's less painful to blame some-one else that to examine one's own personal failings and do all the arduous work of changing from within. [Chapter 11]
14.  Because  she has an un-diagnosed mental condition, such as post partem depression, that has impaired the adult child's judgement and made it difficult for here to accept appropriate help. [Chapter 12]
15.  Because his or her unresolved and unconfronted conflicts with significant others have built up to a crisis level, and the adult child has an unconscious need to create distance until he or she can learn better conflict-resolution skills. [Chapter 13]
16.  Because she has become isolated and depressed due to current life problems and an honored authority told her repressed memories of incest are a common cause of deep unhappiness. [Chapter 14]
REASONS BELOW ADDED (not in the book "Diagnosis for Disaster")
17.  Because the therapist/friend has no surviving family and would like to form a new family with a dependent client (or friend).   This would match the description of the therapist and author of "Sybil" according to Dr. Nathan of "Sybil Exposed"
18.  Because pseudo memories has been linked to a number of  factors including hypnosis, trance like states (can be medicated), contextual variables, misleading post event information or suggestion , source monitoring errors, regression, stereotypes , instructional conditions, memory reprocessing , fantasy proneness, leading questions, search for confirmation of hunches and contagion. These reasons are summarized in an empirical meta-study by the Institute for Psychological Studies.
19. In order to extort money from parents by threatening the career(s) of the parent(s), refusing emotional contact and/or holding grand children and the family involved as "hostages" until monetary support is provided (often times to support drug or alcohol addictions).  Discussed in "Myth of Repressed Memories"
20.  Revenge for past perceived unjust actions or offenses unrelated to the accusations but provide a reason to create and nurture false memories as real. (Innocence Isn't Enough)

 In the PBS special 'Divided Memories Part 2,' (April, 1995) producer Ofra Bikel examines the complicated issue of repressed memory.  The video examines the different kinds of therapies used to help patients remember, including age-regression therapy, past-life therapy, and hypnosis.  David Calof, a "recovered memory therapist" with a high school diploma (but no degree) admits that his patients do not recall factually accurate events in a 1998 deposition but allows his patients to characterize them as memories.   During his videoed interview Mr. Calof rhetorically asks "Why would anyone believe anything so painful as being sexually abused by a parent if it weren't true?
       The book "Diagnosis for Disaster" (1996) quickly published personal accounts by recovered memory victims that provide the evidence for 16 different answers to that question.  The chapters of the book dealing with those accounts are in brackets after being described [Chapter].
  If you are seeking help for personal struggles and a therapist, counselor or friend says that "recovering childhood memories can help you get better" then IMMEDIATELY get up from your chair (or off the couch), run to the door, open it and flee. Hundreds of thousands have lost families, years of productive living and squandered immense wealth with tragedy inducing therapy that produces horrid false memories, splinters families, isolates the client and is documented to cause decline in mental health.

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