Thursday, October 1, 2015

Video: Award Winning Documentary on Repressed Memories (Part 1)

41:47  Minute Length
PBS Frontline Documentary by Ofra Bikel. Originally aired April, 1995.
Part 1 (of 4): The Hunt for Memories 

This documentary was produced in the center of a cultural storm over the validity of repressed memories. The cases depicted clearly makes the case that recovered memory therapy not only fails to recover the truth but is very capable of producing false information which can destroy lives and families.

Eileen Franklin recollection that her father was a brutal rapist and murderer was used to convict and send him to prison with no corroboration and no physical evidence. This case was over turned years later. Another father accused of rape and abuse proves in court that the therapist using suggestive therapy recovered false memories that destroyed his family and sued the therapist and won. This part ends with a series of accusers all publicly confident that the "repressed memory" of abuse they suffered was true. Rosanne Barre is among the accusers who, 14 years later, called the accusation the "biggest mistake of her life." This segment of the is clearly intended to present the reasons people cling to "repressed memories" even when doubts exist. The idea that memory is a "recording device" is embedded securely in our mind's eye.

Since this movie was made the "memory recording device" model has been debunked in study after study. Eileen Franklin is now known to have obtained data and details from police who provided the information to her prior to court proceedings and then used that information as part of the testimony she said to have been remembered on her own.  Fourteen years later Rosanne Barre was to recant and explain that her accusations were a result of medication and mental illness.  So even though these events discounting "repressed memories" had not yet emerged at the time of the documentary the depictions clearly hint that the doubts would eventually reverse these public accounts in time. In fact the "doubts" were established as accepted facts in the end at the video foreshadows in 1995.

  If you are seeking help for personal struggles and a therapist, counselor or friend says that "recovering childhood memories can help you get better" then IMMEDIATELY get up from your chair (or off the couch), run to the door, open it and flee. Hundreds of thousands have lost families, years of productive living and squandered immense wealth with tragedy inducing therapy that produces horrid false memories, splinters families, isolates the client and is documented to cause decline in mental health.

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